How to contribute to Apache Wicket
You can contribute to Apache Wicket in many ways, so join us and make Wicket better!
Table of Contents
Ways to Contribute to Apache Wicket
A lot of work goes into maintaining a project like Wicket and we can use your help!
You can help us in many ways:
- Help out other users at our user list
- Answer questions on Stackoverflow
- Improve our user guide
- Report your bugs
- Implement new features or fix bugs
- Improve this site
If you want to help out with one of our bugs or want to implement a feature, consider using our Github mirror.
Github Mirror for Easy Contributing
Wicket is mirrored on github so you can contribute with ease:
- Fork Wicket
- Implement your feature or fix the bug, and
- Send a pull request.
The Github/Apache integration will send the pull request to our contributors list, and we will look at your pull request as soon as we can.
Fork Wicket to your Account
So you have an account registered at Github and are ready to start hacking at Wicket. First you need to fork the code to your own Github account.
You can find the official mirror for the Apache Wicket project at the following location in the official Apache Software Foundation organisation at Github:
- Apache Wicket Github mirror:
On this page you will find a button with the caption “Fork”. Click it or use the button below.
Now you have your own copy of Wicket to hack on. You can edit directly in the Github web interface–good for minor fixes like documentation errors–or clone the project to your workstation.
Clone Wicket to your Workstation
You can use the tooling for Github to get a copy on your workstation or use the commandline:
$ git clone<your userid>/wicket.git
NB Ensure that you replace <your userid> with your actual Github user id, otherwise your clone command will fail.
This shell command will create a local checkout of the git repository. Now you can check out the correct branch.
Start with the Correct Branch
Wicket is developed in several version branches. Depending on what you want to work on you need to select the right one. The following table shows the corresponding branch for each Wicket version.
Wicket version | Branch name | Status |
8.x | master | active |
7.x | wicket-7.x | supported |
6.x | wicket-6.x | supported |
1.5.x | wicket-1.5.x | security fixes only |
If you want to work on Wicket 8, you need to check out the master branch.
If you want to work on Wicket 7, you need to check out the wicket-7.x branch.
If you want to work on an issue for Wicket 6, you’ll need to check out the wicket-6.x branch.
When you are ready with your change you can ask us to review your changes and to integrate it into Wicket by creating a Pull Request.
Create a Pull Request
Make sure you have pushed your changes to your Github repository. To create a pull request on GitHub follow the instructions you can find here. Once you have finished to work on you pull request, send us an email using devs mailing list.
The Github–Apache integration will automatically send a message to the Wicket project that a new pull request is waiting for us.
Documentation for contributors
This section is particularly of interest for those who want to contribute to Wicket.
How to contribute
Here’s a list of documents that explain how you can best help the Wicket team:
- Write documentation - Contribute to improve our user guide.
- Provide a patch or a pull request - Think you have found a bug or just want to propose a new feature? Do it sending us a patch or creating a pull request on GitHub.
- Contribute to the site - Help us to improve our site.
Here’s a list of tasks that only committers can do:
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