Ajax Counter

This example shows you how to use Wicket’s Ajax behaviors and components by building a simple counter that updates through Ajax link clicks.

In all the Wicket examples, you have to put all files in the same package directory. This means putting the markup files and the java files next to one another. It is possible to alter this behavior, but that is beyond the scope of this example. The only exception is the obligatory web.xml file which should reside in the WEB-INF/ directory of your web application root folder.

In this example we assume you already have read and understood the other examples which give you information on the structure and nature of Wicket applications. Specifically read and understand the Hello, World example.

Counter page

First we’ll create a page that just counts the number of times a link has been clicked. In the following markup you’ll see a link and a label.

    <a href="#" wicket:id="link">click me</a>
        Counter: <span wicket:id="counter">nr of times</span>

The link component will refresh the page and the label will replace the text ‘nr of times’ with the count. Take a look at the following Java file to see how it works on the Java side:

package wicket.quickstart;
import wicket.Component;
import wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import wicket.markup.html.link.Link;
import wicket.model.Model;
public class Index extends QuickStartPage {
    public Index() {
        Model<Integer> model = new Model<Integer>() {
            private int counter = 0;
            public Integer getObject() {
                return counter++;
        add(new Link("link") {
            public void onClick() {
                // do nothing.
        add(new Label<Integer>("counter", model));

In this class we created a Model subclass that increases its counter everytime the getObject method gets called, and returns its value. We set this model on the label component, so that each time the label gets rendered the counter gets increased.

The link doesn’t do anything, just listen to the requests and update the page. If you run this code in your application (download the Quickstart project and copy/paste the code in the homepage for a quick experience).

The page gets fully refreshed with each link click. That is not very web 2.0, so let’s make it more modern by adding some Ajax stuff.

Adding Ajax

To make this a more modern UI we’ll have to change a couple of things. First we need to make the link an Ajax link. Wicket provides several types of Ajax links, but the best one for our purposes is the AjaxFallbackLink, as it provides a fallback to a normal request in case no Ajax is available.

package wicket.quickstart;
import wicket.Component;
import wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
import wicket.ajax.markup.html.AjaxFallbackLink;
import wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import wicket.model.Model;
public class Index extends QuickStartPage {
    public Index() {
        Model<Integer> model = new Model<Integer>() {
            private int counter = 0;
            public Integer getObject() {
                return counter++;
        add(new AjaxFallbackLink("link") {
            public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                // add the components that need to be updated to 
                // the target
        add(new Label<Integer>("counter", model));

As you can see, the Link has been replaced with the AjaxFallbackLink, and the onClick method now takes a new argument: the AjaxRequestTarget. If you want a component to be updated in the Ajax request, you’ll have to add them to the target. So let’s alter the file to make it possible to add the label to the request target.

package wicket.quickstart;
import wicket.Component;
import wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
import wicket.ajax.markup.html.AjaxFallbackLink;
import wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import wicket.model.Model;
public class Index extends QuickStartPage {
    public Index() {
        Model<Integer> model = new Model<Integer>() {
            private int counter = 0;
            public Integer getObject() {
                return counter++;
        final Label<Integer> label = new Label<Integer>("counter", model);
        add(new AjaxFallbackLink("link") {
            public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                if (target != null) {
                    // target is only available in an Ajax request

We’ve moved the instantiation of the label to the beginning of the page constructor and made a local, final variable. This way we can reference the label in the event handler of the link component.

We also had to call setOutputMarkupId(true) on the label to be able to update the component when the request is returned to the client browser. If we don’t, Wicket will not know how to update the markup in the client.

If you put this code into your page’s class, then you’ll have a working Ajax updating counter.


Working with Ajax and Wicket using the standard Wicket libraries doesn’t require a degree in JavaScript. Even better, you don’t necessarily need to update your markup file to work with Ajax. In this (simple) example we were able to add Ajax behavior to the page without touching the markup file.

The most important lesson here is that in order to update components using Ajax is that you need to add those components to the AjaxRequestTarget and that the components that are to be updated in that request, should have setOutputMarkupId(true).